2013 Calendar

Just finished working on a calendar for 2013! A limited run of these guys will be available to buy at the Summer Art Bazaar in Civic Park, Newcastle on December 1st!  Grant and I intend on selling a whole heap of our original artwork including drawings, paintings, sculpture, prints and wearable things so make sure you come visit! Promise not everything will be sickeningly cute looking. Oh, Market starts at 9am! SEEE YAA.

Smellin' Of Troy

Arthive's acclaimed Simpsons tribute exhibition, 'This Is Not Bart: Money's 2 Tight For Steak' opened just last week and it is pretty much the best thing ever. This year we had a plethora of fantastic entries from over 30 artists so I highly recommend getting along to the gallery during the month of October to check it all out. This year I created a little shrine of sorts to the incomparable, Troy Mclure.
 Shrine photograph by Kate Burton

Power Up News!

If you missed the spectacular opening or you're unable to attend the Power Up! exhibition currently on at ARThive, you can pop over HERE to the ABC Newcastle site and have a listen to a fantastic interview featuring superstars Grant Hunter and Tony Push discussing this amazing exhibition with Maynard. There's a few images to have a look at too, including a shot of one of my super shiny paintings.
It's a really fun show and I'm totally proud to be a part of it. Try your best to come see it, you won't be disappointed!
Oh! On an unrelated note, Im going to be selling some postcard sets at the Darby St Twilight Festival Bohemia this Saturday afternoon/night alongside Dolleyes and Lilac & Snow as a part of the Blackbird Corner stall! COME VISIT!

Below: 'Mario Mario' and The Mermaids at the Power Up! opening xx

Power Up!

Another new exhibition at Arthive opens this Sunday and this time its inspired by compu pu pu pu pu pu pu pu computer games! I'm currently in the process of doing some small and shiny character paintings- I'll post 'em when I'm done. 
It will be ARThive's first massively multiplayer art exhibition themed around video games and game culture and we've assembled an incredible group of local artists paying tribute to their favourite games, characters, and consoles.
Opening reception from 2pm Sunday August 5 with special live music performances by experimental electronica groups MEN64 and THE MERMAIDS, and a highly competitive MARIO KART 64 tournament. If you can't make it, the exhibition will continue through August so there's plenty of chance to get in and check out the show during regular gallery opening hours.

Ben Mitchell
Shana Dennis
Butch Moon
Jessica Louttit
Ben Kennedy
Mike Foxall
Amanda Reeves
Daniel Smith
Marika Mihan
Sarah Mould
Lu Quade
Grant Hunter
Kate Burton
Daniel Purvis
Stu McDonald
Smella Catshine
April Cotton
Adam Blake
Ben Smith
Effie Dee
+ maybe more!!!

Here's a super good gameboy inspired painting by OX to get you in the mood.

But Who Will Feed Our Lizard Babies!?

Good news! My man friend and I will be exhibiting some of our new paintings at the lovely Terrarium Gallery this Thursday. If you're in the area, why not pop in, say hello and drink some soda?
Expect meditations on love, junk food, batman, weather conditions, idols and birth defects coupled with explorations of life, death and rebirth meticulously reflected within large scale, mixed media paintings, prints and Dr Pepper. x

Time for Vengeance

This is what I came up with for this weeks Oz Comics challenge. The theme was obviously(?) The Maxx and I chose to draw a rather hellish-looking-floating-in-purple-goo-face-of-Maxx.
The Maxx is one of my favourite comics ever and I really hope Sam Kieth never sees this. I'm super glad I got it finished in a day though and maybe I'll do another Maxx drawing when I retire.
PS. If for some bizarre reason you should like to wear this thing on your t-shirt...you absolutely can!

Technicolour Dream Cats

I created this painting for my cat themed exhibition, Are You Kitten Me? Might take a break from exclusively painting and drawing cats for a little while/forever now.

Cosmic Stephen

I drew this picture for my friend, Eva, as it was her birthday on Tuesday. It features her cat, Stephen, hanging about in outer space and dreaming of kitty biscuits. Stephen rarely lets me cuddle him which totally sucks but I still like him heaps.

Are You Kitten Me?

I'm very excited to announce it is now just over a week until our first ever cat themed exhibition at ARThive, 'Are You Kitten Me?'
We have a group of amazing artists from a variety of disciplines exhibiting- things are shaping up to be just purrrrrrfect!
I'd like to invite everyone to the gallery at 3pm, Sunday March 11th to share some kitten cake and enjoy the delightful music of exhibiting artist, Lizzie Nagy as Young Lions! MEOW!
Ps. Those who dress in leopard/jaguar/cheetah/cat prints shall be rewarded!

It's Only Madness

Holy molars, my awesome boyfriend is having a solo exhibition and it's going to be why so serious-ly good! It opens at our Rogues Gallery, ARThive, this Sunday afternoon (how neat) Showcasing heapsa villains from Batman comics and cartoons, it is shaping up to be really something!
Grant says...
"I really like Batman so at 2pm on Sunday Feb 5 at ARThive I will be unveiling 20 new paintings of various Batman villains, including The Joker, Mister Freeze, Penguin, Killer Croc, Two-Face, Clock King, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Black Mask, Mad Hatter, Clayface, The Riddler, Bane, Crazy Quilt, Calendar Man, Zsasz, Scarecrow, Ventriloquist, Ra's Al Ghul, and Manbat. I've been working on these on-and-off in my studio for about a year, but the time has come to quit faffing about and just show them to people. So if you like Batman too and wanna have a look at them, come to 111 Hunter Street Newcastle on Feb 5 and i'll put on a spread of fizzy drinks and lollies and maybe put Prince's soundtrack to Batman '89 on the stereo."

If you're anywhere near Newcastle or think you can be for Sunday afternoon, come to the art-cave, there's not a moment to lose!

Batgirl in Love

 Hey, I just drew this little texta Batgirl! My super friend Jess is her new Mom.