Power Up!

Another new exhibition at Arthive opens this Sunday and this time its inspired by compu pu pu pu pu pu pu pu computer games! I'm currently in the process of doing some small and shiny character paintings- I'll post 'em when I'm done. 
It will be ARThive's first massively multiplayer art exhibition themed around video games and game culture and we've assembled an incredible group of local artists paying tribute to their favourite games, characters, and consoles.
Opening reception from 2pm Sunday August 5 with special live music performances by experimental electronica groups MEN64 and THE MERMAIDS, and a highly competitive MARIO KART 64 tournament. If you can't make it, the exhibition will continue through August so there's plenty of chance to get in and check out the show during regular gallery opening hours.

Ben Mitchell
Shana Dennis
Butch Moon
Jessica Louttit
Ben Kennedy
Mike Foxall
Amanda Reeves
Daniel Smith
Marika Mihan
Sarah Mould
Lu Quade
Grant Hunter
Kate Burton
Daniel Purvis
Stu McDonald
Smella Catshine
April Cotton
Adam Blake
Ben Smith
Effie Dee
+ maybe more!!!

Here's a super good gameboy inspired painting by OX to get you in the mood.